Membership Guidelines
Everyone is welcome to attend services at New Song Church. Membership, however, expresses commitment to the unique mission and vision of the church and is open to anyone who completes a membership class and meets the following criteria:
Demonstrated Christian faith: (see our Statement of Beliefs)
Confession of belief exclusively in Jesus Christ for eternal life, as well as in His saving work of redemption on Calvary: His sinless life, atoning death, and resurrection
Commitment to pursue sanctification
Regular church attendance: Members are expected to attend in-person or online Sunday service, online Bible study, and online prayer each week.
In-person membership:
Attend on average at least 6 services (Sunday service and Bible study) live, online or in-person, per month
In-person attendance at least one Sunday per month
Attend at least one zoom prayer, live, per week
Watch every rhema word
Online membership:
Attend at least 6 services (Sunday service and Bible study) live online per month
Attend at least one zoom prayer, live, per week.
Watch every rhema word.
Godly character:
Commitment to demonstrating the fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance
Demonstrated commitment to Christian morals:
Members are not to be involved in substance abuse, dishonorable business practices or fraud, physical or emotional abuse, or sexual immorality (promiscuity, adultery, or sexual relations outside of marriage). We honor faithful marriage, gay and straight.
Commitment to other members of the church:
Demonstrated commitment to love, respect, and pray for fellow church members and handle conflicts according to scriptural principles
Commitment to avoid gossip
Commitment to the vision of the church:
Agreement with the New Song Church Statement of Beliefs, including affirming theology
Willingness to participate in service opportunities in order to help fulfill the vision of the church
Consistent financial giving: We encourage every member to give as they purpose in their heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver. We recommend honoring God with a tenth or tithe.
New Song Church aims to embody these Christian morals and values. When anyone struggles in these areas, the body of Christ is a resource for prayers and support. With the help of the Holy Spirit, we can strengthen and encourage each other to stay on the Christ-like path. Individuals desiring membership who are experiencing challenges in any of these areas should seek guidance from the Holy Spirit and consultation with church leadership.
New Song Church leadership reserves the right to suspend membership privileges if requirements are not met over a six month period and to withdraw membership if deemed necessary. Decisions regarding membership have no bearing on an individual’s eternal salvation, and refer only to one’s standing within New Song Church and any privileges and responsibilities held therein.
Membership Benefits: Upon request, and in consultation with church leadership, members in good standing are welcome to the following privileges:
New Song Church clergy to officiate at weddings, funerals, christenings
The right to vote at church meetings and review financial statements
Access to the benevolence fund
If you are interested in becoming a member, we look forward to hearing from you.